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As our parents age, it becomes increasingly important to ensure their wellbeing and safety. One way to support them is by considering a move closer to family. Recognising when it’s time to take this step can be challenging, but proactive decision-making can greatly enhance their quality of life. Here are some of the things you can look out for if you’re signs that it might be time for your parents to move closer.

Sign 1: Decline in Health and Wellbeing

A decline in health and wellbeing can indicate that your parents may benefit from being closer to family. Instead of focusing on hospital visits, look for subtle signs like difficulty in managing daily tasks, increased forgetfulness, or fatigue. These changes might suggest they need more regular companionship and support. Moving closer can provide your parents with a sense of security, ensuring they have access to timely help and regular check-ins, which can boost both their emotional and physical well-being.

Sign 2: Home Maintenance Challenges

Maintaining a home can become increasingly difficult with age. If you notice your parents’ home is becoming cluttered or untidy, or if they are struggling to keep up with repairs and maintenance, it might be time to consider relocating them. Safety hazards such as loose carpets, poor lighting, or unattended repairs can pose significant risks.

A move to a smaller, more manageable living space or a retirement community can alleviate these burdens. Retirement communities often provide maintenance services, ensuring a safe and well-maintained living environment.

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Sign 3: Safety Concerns

Safety is a significant concern for elderly parents living alone, but retirement villages offer an ideal solution. These communities are designed with seniors' safety in mind, featuring features such as secure living spaces, well-lit pathways, and accessible layouts that reduce the risk of falls or accidents. Additionally, driving is often unnecessary, as many retirement villages offer transportation services for shopping and medical appointments. With 24/7 staff availability and a secure environment, retirement villages provide peace of mind, ensuring that safety concerns are effectively addressed.

Sign 4: Social Isolation and Loneliness

Social isolation and loneliness can severely impact an elderly person’s mental and emotional health. If your parents seem increasingly isolated, have lost close friends, or rarely engage in social activities, moving them closer could help.

Living closer enables you to involve your parents in family events and community activities, fostering a sense of belonging and support. Retirement communities also provide social opportunities, reducing feelings of loneliness. Spending more time with family and regular socialising is vital for their wellbeing.


Sign 5: Desire for Family Support and Connection

If your parents express a desire to be closer to family, this is a strong indicator that a move is needed. The emotional comfort of being near loved ones, combined with practical benefits like help with errands and appointments, can greatly improve their day-to-day life.

Moving closer strengthens family bonds and creates a robust support network. It allows for more frequent visits and helps ensure your parents receive the care and attention they need.

Sign 6: How to Approach the Conversation

Discussing the possibility of moving can be delicate. Choose the right time and setting for the conversation, ensuring it’s private and free of distractions. Be empathetic, listen to their concerns, and present the benefits of moving closer. Reassure them of their independence and involve them in the decision-making process.


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Choosing the Right Living Arrangement

Selecting the best relocation option for your parents involves careful consideration. Retirement communities offer numerous benefits such as safety, social activities, and maintenance services. Evaluate factors like location, amenities, and support services to find the best fit. Importantly, involve your parents in this process to ensure their preferences and needs are met.

Recognising the signs that it’s time for your parents to move closer can significantly support their wellbeing and safety. From health declines to safety concerns, being proactive in addressing these issues is crucial. 

If you like the sense of community and support offered by retirement communities, you can find out more about the benefits of living in a retirement community, or hear from our residents' own stories.

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