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Gradwell Park Village Retirement Villages Gardens And Gardening (5)

Sophie Robertson, Grounds Supervisor at Gradwell Park talks about the range of benefits a spot of gardening can bring.

From physical to mental wellness, gardening in retirement provides a range of benefits. Here at Gradwell Park we believe all our residents should have access to the gardens to better improve their mental health.

Whether it’s weeding a bed or picking tomatoes we want our residents to be able to get involved with what’s going on in the grounds which is why we started our Gradwell Gardening club. Once a month we meet to discuss the plans for the grounds and see where the residents would like to get involved. There is no pressure to take on any job and we love to offer the freedom for residents to do as much or as little as they like.

Gardening club started because we know the mental health benefits that being outside offers and being situated in a beautiful rural location makes it even more enjoyable. We’ve listed some of the benefits we know come from getting involved with working in the garden.


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Mood booster

Caring for living things brings us hope and optimism, helping you to feel positive.

Social bonds

Working with others in the garden creates a sense of community – all aiming for the same goals. This helps with our social connections and feelings of loneliness or isolation.

Getting physical

It’s no secret gardening can be hard work sometimes! Getting outside and moving about the garden is a great form of exercise which greatly impacts our mental health and wellbeing.

Lower anxiety and stress

Getting out in nature gives us a break from everyday stresses. Even if you just spend 5 minutes outside it can make a big difference to our stress and anxiety levels.

Improve symptoms of depression

Working in any part of the garden creates a mindful moment which has been proven to help decrease some symptoms of depression. The task allows you to focus on the moment, engage your senses and allowing yourself a break from negative thoughts.

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We can’t wait for our residents to get involved with the gardens and start feeling some of the many benefits that come with being outside. Once the weather warms up and the sun is shining we know the gardens will be buzzing with happy residents (and bees)! It’s exciting to think of the journey we will all go on as we shape the grounds to become something we are all proud of, all working together to create a peaceful, happy and rewarding garden.

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