Are you ageist but don’t realise?
The truth is, you might be.
From our individual beliefs, to media representations, to governmental legislation, we have to change the way we think about ageing.
Because ageism is more common than we might think: half of us are apprehensive about growing older and over 50% of people think older people are less visible in society. A third of people associate old age with frailty and dependence, while 20% of employers recognise ageism in their workplaces.
That’s why we’re supporting the Centre for Ageing Better and everything they’re doing to cause a scene and change the narrative with their campaign, Age Without Limits. The campaign aims to shift this outdated narrative, fostering a society where the experience of ageing is celebrated, valued and simply normalised.
Age Without Limits
The Age Without Limits campaign is on a mission to get us all talking and thinking differently about ageing. But how are they planning to do this? Well, for starters, they're pushing to make places more welcoming and accessible for older people. This means tweaking public areas and services so everyone, no matter their age, can enjoy and use them easily. They’re also calling for an Independent Commissioner for Older People and Ageing - a position that already exists in Wales in Northern Ireland. This role would help fight ageism at a political and legislative level.
And it’s not just about what’s happening on the streets; it’s also what we see on our screens and how age is represented in the media. They’re challenging clichéd images of older people and pushing for a portrayal that’s real and relatable.

Action Day
The campaign culminated on 20th March 2024 with their Action Day. The theme: See and Be Seen, working to amplify conversations around ageism, and improve the visibility of older people in society.
The Action Day saw events across the country, including the Age Without Limits official event: a photography exhibition in Central London that celebrates the diversity that truly represents older people.
Why this campaign hit home for us
At Retirement Villages, we’ve been working within the industry for over 40 years to cultivate spaces throughout the UK where over 55s can thrive and feel part of a community.
We’ve spent time getting to know our residents, learning what is key to getting the most out of retirement and ageing well. In short, some of those key pillars include:
We hold these at the heart of everything we introduce to our communities, from volunteering initiatives and opportunities, to onsite activities like gardening, exercising and art classes.
Communities that redefine ageing
At Retirement Villages, we’ve been working within the industry for over 40 years to cultivate spaces throughout the UK where over 55s can thrive and feel part of a community.
We’ve spent time getting to know our residents, learning what is key to getting the most out of retirement and ageing well. In short, some of those key pillars include:
We hold these at the heart of everything we introduce to our communities, from volunteering initiatives and opportunities, to onsite activities like gardening, exercising and art classes.

How we’re supporting the campaign
At Retirement Villages, we've kicked off our support for the Age Without Limits campaign by hosting ‘Conversation with Cake’ sessions. More than just an opportunity to enjoy sweet treats (though they are certainly that too); they're about giving our residents a platform to voice their experiences with ageism and discuss how we can collectively address these issues.
To coincide with the Age Without Limits Action Day on the 20th of March, we’ve also launched our very own podcast. What better way to embody the day’s See and Be Seen theme than by showcasing the rich and varied life stories of our residents?
Our inaugural episode features Julie from Elmbridge Village who shares her journey of how dance not only shaped her career but also led her to find love, and how she continues to share this passion within her community.
Combating ageism for residents and employees allike
But our commitment doesn’t stop with our residents. We’re aware of the broader impacts of ageism, such as its detrimental effects on the UK workforce.
With over 460,000 individuals aged 50-64 wanting to work but unable to find employment due to age barriers, the consequences affect not just individual lives, but economic stability.
We pledge to be an age-friendly employer. We recognise the invaluable contributions and potential of older workers and are committed to fostering an environment where they can excel and contribute to a diverse and dynamic workplace.
Beyond the campaign: spotting everyday ageism in yourself and others
Ageism isn’t always obvious, and it’s so embedded in our culture to fear getting older and cling to youth, that many, if not all of us, will have been guilty of ageism at some point.
But it’s about learning how ageism shows up even in everyday conversation, and how to challenge it in yourself and others.

Age-discriminating statements you may have heard, said or felt that you didn’t necessarily identify as ageism:
- “You don’t look your age,”
- “You look great for your age,”
- “I don’t want to get older,”
- “Getting old means becoming fail and dependent,”
- “Ugh, I feel so old,”
- “I’m too old for that,”
- “Not at my age,”
- “She’s too old to wear that,”
The Age Without Limits campaign even has an online quiz that can help you identify any ageist beliefs you might hold.
Whether it’s something you catch yourself saying, or something you hear in conversation, if you feel comfortable, call it out.

Age-positive influencers to fill your feed with…
A great way to start challenging how you perceive age is by changing the way you see it represented.
The beauty of social media is that you’re in control of who you follow and how you choose to see age. So, choose to fill your social feed with age-positive influencers that challenge the stereotypes you’re used to seeing in the media.
Here are a few to inspire you:
They all bring a fresh perspective to ageing, proving that it’s about living life fully, regardless of age.
The key takeaway from all of this is that the limiting beliefs around getting older, and the fears and anxieties surrounding them, aren’t real. If you’re living a life intentionally and taking care of your wellbeing, you can be happy, healthy and thriving at every age.
Spend some time to think about how ageism shows up in your daily life and ways you can challenge it, no matter your age.