Annie, who is in her 80s, moved to Avonpark three months ago. She has shared her story of life in the community so far and what she’s been enjoying the most.
Annie, lived about 14 miles from Avonpark in a small village called Sutton Veny near Warminster. Having lived in the village for 35 years with her husband, she was used to an independent lifestyle and enjoyed tending the acre of garden. She lost her husband last April and a friend, who already lived in Avonpark, encouraged her to come and have a look.
Annie hadn’t been thinking about moving initially, but after visiting Avonpark decided it was such a lovely community that perhaps it was time to make the move. Her home in Sutton Veny was surrounded by countryside so the views from Avonpark were a real boon.
As she already knew Liz, who is a keen gardener, has spent a lot of time in the community’s allotments. She also enjoys walking and has been exploring her new home and discovering walks on the grounds including the woodland area, bat caves, and even ventured down to the local canal. A highlight of village life has been the monthly supper clubs, which are themed, she has enjoyed each month since moving in.
Annie, comments, “The staff are on hand to support should you need it and all the residents are very friendly. I feel settled in already.”