As part of the ongoing commitment to our sustainability strategy, a committee made up of staff members and residents has been pulled together. The committee has been sharing ideas and working on initiatives to bring us closer to our targets for a cleaner, greener future.
Representing Cedars Village is Wally James, who has lived in the community for the last ten years. Wally has a keen interest in sustainability and believes if everyone does their bit we can have a big impact. His focus at Cedars Village has been on education and sharing ideas to help other residents make small changes to habits across the community that can deliver results to be proud of.

He’s been working on four key topics and shares posters with top tips for the residents on each of them. The topics he’s covered to date include waste, energy, transport, and, biodiversity. Waste is a particular favourite topic where Wally believes there are many small improvements to be made. He has also been campaigning for the local council to improve better waste facilities for the community more generally. He would like a shoes and clothing bin as well as medical waste collection service, to help people dispose of items correctly and reduce what goes to landfill.
Another project he has been involved in is the revitalisation of the wildflower meadow which sits at the heart of the grounds. Working with the grounds team they hope to increase the number of wildflowers and insects across the community.
Wally comments

Sustainability is everyone’s responsibility. If everyone did a little bit more than they were now we’d be closer to solving this, so the problem is about education and letting people know what is available and how to do it. The committee has been a great place to share ideas with others.