It was all hands to the deck, on a misty morning, at Cedars Village last week; as a joint initiative, the community’s residents and volunteers from the RVG development team started to work together on a project to plant hundreds of daffodils in the grounds and around the beautifully manicured lawns at the front of Cedars Village mansion house.
Residents in the community have been kindly donating hundreds of daffodils, including various different varieties, for the past few months. The aim of this outdoor project has been to create a wonderful display on the lawns in the community grounds come springtime. The view of Cedars mansion house, which is the heart of this vibrant and active community, as you come down the drive is already something to behold. So, come Spring it is going to be truly spectacular, with lots of yellow heads popping up, to brighten everyone’s day.
The grounds team at the community put in the initial work, planning, marking out, and digging the areas that residents wanted to see planted as part of the project. The development team, who were taking advantage of some of the volunteering time RVG gives employees to give back in their own way, then took up the reins and planted bulbs in the chosen locations. The centre piece of the project will be two large, circular beds, which sit directly in front of the main house.
After a hard day at work, Colin Foulger, Deputy Village Manager, commented,

This project is a great example of volunteering across the RVG community. It will greatly enhance the beauty of our grounds, promote togetherness, and will support local wildlife.