Residents at Gittisham Hill Park have beautiful woodland walks, right on their doorstep, within the community grounds. The woodland floor is paved with bluebells at the moment, making it a joy to get out in the fresh air and smell their unique scent.
Bluebells are an incredibly delicate flower native to the British Isles and a sure sign Spring is in full swing. It can take five to seven years for them to become established and it is illegal to pick them intentionally or uproot them. They grow well in old, dense woodland because the thick foliage limits the growth of other competing flora, so the grounds at Gittisham are ideal.
There are established walking routes throughout the woodland so residents can enjoy these beautiful flowers whatever they choose.
Adrian Paul, Village Manager, comments, “We’re incredibly proud of our woodland bluebell walk. People travel far and wide to see these flowers in the Spring and we have them right on our doorstep.”