The community at Lime Tree Village is incredibly strong. The residents host a coffee morning every day during the week. It’s a well-attended event and gives residents a chance to catch up.
This week the residents were joined by Will Bax, CEO of Retirement Villages. Will is passionate about making sure the business listens to residents and understands the needs of the village community. Will chatted to a number of residents including Judith Carter, a member of the residents association, and others Jan Walsh and Anne Foden. They chatted about life in the village and what they enjoyed about the community.
Coffee morning at Lime Tree is hosted by the residents for the residents, some people join every week and even every day, others just come from time to time. The choice is theirs, to be as involved as they wish. Martin Crick, Village Manager, comments, “Coffee morning is a great time in the community with everyone getting together for a chat.”