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Viv's 88Th Thamesfield

One of the many advantages of living in a community like Thamesfield is if you want to put on a party, there’s space to do so! 

To celebrate Vivian’s 88th this year the whole family visited Thamesfield to enjoy a barbecue. The team at Thamesfield put on all the catering including a full range of food; chicken, salmon, a huge selection of different salads, and vegetarian sausages. The chef also made a special birthday cake to help celebrate the special occasion. 

Vivian’s family came at lunchtime and enjoyed drinks on the terrace with other members of the community, giving them a chance to meet everyone Vivian spends time with on a daily basis. After the barbecue the family walked along the river in the summer sunshine. 

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As a family, we’re so happy with the way Dad has settled into Thamesfield. The team is always so helpful, empathetic, and accommodating. The birthday party was great and we appreciate that a lot of hard work goes into making these events a success. - Sue, Vivian’s daughter
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