Derrick Myers is a sociable and active resident of Elmbridge Village. Derrick moved into the community along with his wife Norma who he married 66 years ago. They live in Day Court, an area of the village that is close to the croquet lawn. Elmbridge has been their home for the past 11 years after living in France for 10 years. With a long career as a design engineer working at the Royal Observatory Edinburgh and then moving into Daresbury Nuclear Physics Laboratory in Cheshire. He was always looking to learn new things, keeping his mind active, and this has continued into his retirement.
On a wet morning in October, Derrick joined some of the RVG team who were looking to test out some recently purchased podcast equipment. The team were preparing for residents and staff stories from across the different communities for everyone to enjoy, share, and learn from.
Computing and Technology are areas that Derrick has always had an interest in during his working life, so the team were delighted when Derrick decided to come and take a look at the equipment too. He has always been fascinated by how technology has progressed and how it can help us to go even further and improve our lives.

Computing moves so fast, I’m always trying to use new technology. I have just downloaded an App. called Otter. This will enable me to record the life stories of residents and meetings I attend in a more efficient manner, it is a real time saver.
Derrick served a delayed National Service in the Royal Air Force working latterly in Codes and Cyphers. Part of his working life in the Civil Service saw him in Edinburgh, at the time of the launching of the Russian Sputnik and the American Echo balloon. Moving from there to Cheshire to work on a Synchrotron and Van De Graff accelerator. A machine which is still used today to accelerate particles for nuclear research and medicine.
On retirement, his daughter convinced him and his wife to move to France which they did and stayed there for 10 years. The village was in Burgundy, convenient for the family to come on holidays and learn some French. Derrick’s career has helped to keep his brain active as he always learning something new, he has continued this trend into his retirement.
This new podcast series, which is coming next year, isn’t the first technology project Derrick has been involved in, at Elmbridge Village.
He led the introduction of an Intranet system with the approval of Retirement Villages. This enabled residents to communicate digitally within the community and link to outside sources to freely share information.
Kelvin Glen the General Manager at Elmbridge Village commented

Keeping an active mind is incredibly important for health and wellbeing. I’m delighted Derrick has joined the team recording and testing our new podcast equipment. He is a shining star demonstrating technology is something we can all embrace no matter our age.