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Morris Dancers

The residents at Elmbridge Village know how to have a good time, recently they held a folk evening that was enjoyed across the community.

The village team put on a folk evening for residents, it was a big hit and very well attended. Starting with drinks hosted in the lounge and across the terrace. Residents met to enjoy the evening ahead and catch up with one another. A local band kicked things off with a number of well-known folk songs to sing along with.

Dinner was then severed in the bar giving guests an opportunity to chat and eat. The kitchen team laid on a selection of scampi, chicken, and pies in a basket, so there was plenty of choices to suit all tastes.

The evening concluded with morris dancing. The local morris dancers put a show on for the residents that included traditional dancing and songs until the light began to fade for the evening.

Kelvin Glen, Village Manager, commented, “It was a very merry evening, which lots of residents getting involved. Seeing the community come together for an evening like this shows the importance of community living and social interaction for everyone.”

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