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PHOTO 2022 09 14 21 50 56

Since its inception earlier this year Avonpark’s monthly supper club has become a main staple on the community social calendar.

This month residents sampled a menu including a nod to Autumn with some classic dishes for this time of the year. The meal, which had the restaurant full to capacity, began with shallot and mushroom pate served with homemade sourdough bread. This was followed by cherry glazed pheasant breast, celeriac puree, honey-roasted carrots, butter potatoes, and a red wine jus. Pheasant is a classic dish for this time of year. The season for this game bird is short, usually only lasting from October to February, so having it on the menu was an unusual treat for the residents. The final course was a chocolate and cashew nut moose, meringue touille, and strawberry compote.

As the months have continued more and more residents have been enjoying the supper club. The event has worked to bring the whole community together around a common theme of enjoying food, drinks, and good company. James Grundy, Village Manager, comments, “This month was another roaring success for our supper club. The range of dishes and themes has been excellent. We are so pleased to be able to offer a regular fine dining experience within the village community.”

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