The kitchen garden at Charters Village is popular with all the residents who call Charters home. Seasonal fruit and veg is produced all year round and everyone is welcome to join in. We all know seasonal, local produce is better if you can get it and at Charters with support from David, our head gardener, a huge range of produce has come from the kitchen garden this year.
Residents have been spoiled for choice this year. The produce from the kitchen garden is available to everyone and some things have even gone to our head chef for use in the restaurant too. Residents have been able to eat cucumbers, courgettes, chard, pak choi, peas, artichoke and a huge selection of herbs this year.
All are homegrown on the Charters Village grounds. David, head gardener comments,

A bit of rain and sunshine and everything comes to life.
The garden has still been producing well into October where we’ve seen pumpkins, various types of squash, aubergines and rhubarb coming through. The team will now start to put a plan together for the next season and decide what they would like to grow.
They plan to grow everything in the greenhouse from seed again if they can too, an amazing achievement for everyone involved in the garden.