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Retirement properties for sale


123 results





Other charges apply

2 Priestland Gardens
Castle Village, Hertfordshire
2 beds
2 bathrooms


Other charges apply

12 Priestland Gardens
Castle Village, Hertfordshire
2 beds
2 bathrooms


Other charges apply

16 Whybrow Gardens
Castle Village, Hertfordshire
2 beds
2 bathrooms


Other charges apply

5 Coppice House
Coppice House, Cheshire
2 beds
2 bathrooms


Other charges apply

128 Glade House
Glade House, Cheshire
1 bed
1 bathroom
Buy / Rent Coming soon

£450,000 or £3,950 month

Inclusive monthly charge, other charges apply

9 Bridle House
17 Gradwell End, East Sussex
2 beds
1 bathroom
Buy / Rent Coming soon

£360,000 or £2,850 month

Inclusive monthly charge, other charges apply

50 Debden House
Fallow Drive, Essex
1 bed
2 bathrooms
Buy / Rent

£372,500 or £2,750 month

Inclusive monthly charge, other charges apply

11 Polo Drive
Cawston, Warwickshire
2 beds
2 bathrooms
Buy Under Offer


Other charges apply

5 Furlong Place
16 Gradwell End, East Sussex
2 beds
2 bathrooms


Other charges apply

125 Glade House
Glade House, Cheshire
2 beds
2 bathrooms
Buy Reserved


Other charges apply

6 Furlong Place
16 Gradwell End, East Sussex
2 beds
2 bathrooms


Other charges apply

8 Coppice House
Coppice House, Cheshire
2 beds
2 bathrooms
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