Debden Grange
Newport, EssexBrand new and bursting with life
As a brand-new village, Debden Grange has state of the art amenities for all residents to enjoy. As well as some of the best retirement properties in Newport, Debden has a clubhouse, which has been designed as a modern and largely open plan space and is the focal point of the village.

Spoilt for choice
The clubhouse comprises a restaurant, bar, reading area and a meeting room with a library. Other facilities include a shop, hairdressers and community gardens.

Relax outside
Within the community, there are plenty of beautifully managed outdoor spaces to while away your time, from the games lawn to the dedicated terraces and balconies in individual homes and apartments.

Come and go from Debden as and when you wish but isn’t it nice to know that there are lots of facilities right here if you need them?

Care & Support
At Debden Grange you can relax knowing these options are available: